Red And Blue Cats

Bring these two alien cats of Red And Blue Cats back home in their spaceship adventure in our Y8y8 games online. We are looking for an assistant who can defeat the scattered monsters that are standing in the way of the cats and bring them to the spaceship safely! On the platform, you will move both cats at the same time while dodging all the dangers. Don't forget that plenty of obstacles and monsters are lurking on the ship.

If your cats get caught when they roam around, they can eat them at any time! This means that to survive on this ship that is filled with the traps, you need to understand the map thoroughly and move flexibly under a huge amount of pressure. Time is also of the essence because you need to bring both cats to the exit doors within the time limit and without any failure.

Valuable diamonds are scattered on the path for the players to collect. Make sure to stay safe while collecting the diamonds and avoid reaching for the ones that are too close to the monsters. These can significantly increase your final score and help to bring your record to the top position on the Leaderboard!

The game comes with vibrant colors as well as a smooth transition to ensure the best gaming experience for kids of all ages! Plenty of challenges are updated daily and in new chapters, once you manage to unlock them. Keep going forward and save the cats in all universes to claim the title of the top player! Other games that you can find on today's website of such as Supernoob Prison Easter will be equally cool and fun to share with friends!

Instruction to play:

Click the arrow keys or WASD to move the cats.

Use the touchpad to play for mobiles and tablets,